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NewsCaroline Fortin judge of the first bakery competition in QuébecCaroline Fortin, Lallemand/American Yeast Sales & Distribution Manager for Eastern Canada was appointed as one of the five judges for the first bakery competition organized by the Association des Boulangers Artisans du Québec (ABAQ). The event took place on May […]
May 22, 2012
NewsLallemand exhibits at EuropainLallemand participated at Europain in Paris, France from March 3 to 7, 2012. Lallemand Baking, Bio-ingredients and Lallemand Baking Solutions exhibited and were represented at this event. The wine and cheese event, serving wine produced with Lallemand wine yeast strains […]
May 16, 2012
NewsLallemand at Canada’s largest bakery trade showLallemand exhibited at the Bakery Showcase (hosted by the Bakery Association of Canada) from May 6-8, in Toronto Canada. The Bakery Showcase was the forum for over 200 industry suppliers to display the latest in products and services to the […]
May 14, 2012
NewsNABY Director of OperationsAlison Robey joins the Lallemand Baking North America Bakers Yeast Business, as Director of Operations. Alison holds a B.Sc. in Microbiology from the University of Saskatchewan and a Ph.D. in Microbiology from McGill University. She brings 25 years experience in a mix […]
Jan 1, 1970
NewsMasters of Wine students Teresa Cedenilla and Florencia Gomez win the 2020 Lallemand BursaryAnn Dumont, Communication Manager, Oenology The Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW) and Lallemand Oenology are pleased to announce that stage 1 and 2 Master of Wine Students Teresa Cedenilla and Florencia Gomez are both winners of the 2020 Lallemand […]
Jan 1, 1970
NewsBaking with INSTAFERM | Cuisson avec INSTAFERM = duplicateINSTAFERM® Instant Yeast is ideal for all types of yeast-leavened recipes/formulations containing 0-8% sugar (lean dough). With it’s small vermicelli shape, this yeast is specially formulated for baking. Click here for more information on baking with INSTAFERM® Idéale pour tous les types […]
Jan 1, 1970