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Lallemand Baking Eagle Baking Powder achieves the prestigious Non GMO Project accolade

Lallemand Baking NA is pleased to announce that its Baking Powder products have earned the respected and trusted Non GMO Project seal. The Non GMO Project is the leading, non-profit third-party verification organization, dedicated to ensuring sustained availability of non-GMO products.

Our Products:

Eagle Double Acting Baking Powder CC and Eagle Double Acting Baking Powder Sodium free are specially formulated double acting chemical leaveners designed for maximum bench tolerance and controlled leavening action, provides leavening in the batter during mixing and continues to provide gas during baking to produce optimum quality for chemical leavened bakery products.

Eagle Single Acting Baking Powder Sodium free is produced from carefully selected ingredients to ensure gas production at the time of mixing.

In addition to being free of genetically modified organisms, and Eagle Double Acting Baking Powder Sodium free and Eagle Single Acting Baking Powder Sodium free are sodium free and aluminium free, and suitable for bakery products, such as cakes, biscuits, pancakes and pizzas.

Contact: Media Relations

Shamla Moodley | Marketing Manager |


Published Nov 5, 2019