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Lallemand wins CTAC 2011 Food Innovation Award

Lallemand wins CTAC 2011 Food Innovation Award

Lallemand was nominated the winner of the 2011 Food Innovation Award, announced by Conseil de la transformation agroalimentaire et des produits de consommation (CTAC) on May 10, 2012.

The contest was organized by the CTAC, the Association des détaillants en alimentation du Québec, the Centre québécois de la valorisation des biotechnologies, the ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation and the SIAL to recognize food companies that demonstrate exceptional innovation and creativity in the current course of their activities.

Lallemand’s Vita D® yeast was selected the winner in the Productivity and Technology category which focuses on new processes and technologies used in food processing to improve productivity and food quality. The process developed by Lallemand meets the food quality and safety standards and provides bakers with a novel non fortified and vegetarian source of vitamin D. Using Lallemand’s Vita D® yeast, bread becomes a daily source of Vitamin D. This award celebrates Lallemand’s commitment to help bakers satisfy consumers quest for more natural and vitamin D rich foods.

 Strategic Vision

Consumer awareness of vitamin D benefits and risk of insufficiency has lead to an increase in global demand for vitamin D deficiency screening. With only a limited number of foods that naturally contain vitamin D, the baking industry can offer a solution to address this growing public health concern.

It is in this context that Lallemand decided to embark on this project. The main objective was to restore the nobility to breads and other baked goods by providing a bakers yeast with a unique nutritional appeal: vitamin D! Several studies have reported vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency among the Canadian and American population.

Visit our Vita D website for more information:

Published May 21, 2012